Frequently asked questions

Home staging is the art and science used to enhance the appeal of a property to potential buyers by making it look more attractive, spacious, and inviting.

Home staging is a marketing tool that helps properties sell faster, potentially increasing sale prices, and creating a positive first impression for buyers.

The home staging fee depends on factors like the size of the property, the extent of staging required, and the professional hired to do the job. Just remember: the investment in staging is ALWAYs less than a price reduction.

Most of our staging projects take less than 1 day. We start in the morning, and by the afternoon, the property is ready to be professionally photographed. Although we like to receive as much notice as possible, we have the resources to complete a staging project within 24 hr notice.

Ideally is to stage the entire property. But we understand that due to budget constraints, we should focus on key areas like the living room, family room, kitchen, and master bedroom. In addition, any award space that make buyers wondering how they can use the space, should be staged to show buyers how they can utilize the space.

While some sellers may have the skills and resources to stage their homes, others may benefit from the expertise of a professional. If nothing else, a staging consultation performed by a professional stager will definitely help home sellers focus on the most important tasks, that can make or break the sale of their property.

Home staging improve the appearance and appeal of a property, making it more saleable.  Some of the techniques include: decluttering, depersonalizing, rearranging furniture, adding decorative touches, and enhancing curb appeal.

The investment in home staging brings a 583% ROI.

Staging an occupied property is still necessary or beneficial. In such cases, staging might involve rearranging existing furniture, decluttering, and adding decorative elements to enhance the appeal of the space.

While staging can significantly improve the marketability of a home, it doesn’t guarantee a faster sale or higher offer. However, it can increase the likelihood of attracting potential buyers and making a positive impression, which can ultimately lead to better outcomes in the sales process. In life nothing is guaranteed besides death and taxes😊